Sauvignon Blanc “Turmalin” 2018

“The Sauvignon Blanc convinces with balance and finesse. On the nose, delicate notes of elderflower, gooseberry, apple and white currant. A very clear, fresh, vibrant and at the same time ripe wine. Very balanced with a fine acidity and extremely complex structure. In addition, a hint of roughness and coolness, reminiscent of mint and fennel paired with an almost peppery spiciness. You can literally smell its terroir in the nose. Very round and polished on the palate – a total work of art.”
Maître Sommelier Gerhard Retter
Shelf life: 20 Years +
Alc.: 12,5 % Vol.
Ried Kreuzberg
Sauvignon Blanc "Turmalin" 2018
Ried Kreuzberg, Südsteiermark DAC
Turmanlinic metamorphic weathered rock
Sauvignon Blanc
Late budding, very warm spring with early flowering. Dry summer. Earliest harvest ever, relatively abundant rainfall at the beginning of autumn.
100 percent hand harvest
After spontaneous fermentation 27 months on the fine lees
Aging 50 percent in wooden barrels and 50 percent in steel tanks
Alc. 12,5 % Vol.
1,1 g/l RZ dry
5,7 g/l tbS
Highly complex wines like this Sauvignon Blanc harmonise with differentiated cooking methods and sophisticated combinations of ingredients. The tension of the wine enters into a perfect dialogue with haut cuisine, Asian and vegetarian cuisine.
In a large Burgundy glass, open 4-6 hours in advance.
Very good drinking maturity: 2022
Optimal drinking maturity: 2023 – 2033 and longer
"Simply a synthesis of the arts."
Maître Sommelier Gerhard Retter describes this wine
Der erste Akt: Ein ausgewogener Eindruck
Der Signum Sauvignon Blanc überzeugt durch seine Balance und Finesse. Die Farbtiefe ist mittleres goldgelb, zitronengelb, er hat kräftige, komplexe Schlieren, ist sauber und reintönig. In der Nase zeigt dieser Weißwein zarte Noten von Holunderblüte, Stachelbeere, Apfel, Birne, Grapefruit und Anklänge von Pfirsich, junger Mango, Ananas und weißer Johannisbeere. Die Aromen sind fein und komplex. Der Wein ist insgesamt sehr klar, frisch und vibrierend, gleichzeitig aber auch reif, das zeichnet die Güte dieses Weines aus. Er ist sehr ausgewogen, hat eine feine Säure und eine sehr komplexe Struktur. Dazu eine Spur Rauchigkeit und eine Kühle, die etwas an Minze und Fenchel erinnert, gepaart mit einer fast pfeffrigen Würze. Man hat seine Herkunft, sein Terroir buchstäblich in der Nase, den mineralischen Duft der Feuersteine, die Kiesel, die nassen Steine im Fluss, verbunden mit eine Spur Rauchigkeit. Am Gaumen ist der Wein wirklich sehr rund und geschliffen. Einfach ein Gesamtkunstwerk.
The second act: The wine breathes and wins.
At the beginning, the wine is a bit more “barren”, straightforward, steely, but after a few hours in the air, it comes out more powerful and punchy on the palate. This enriches the wine enormously. In intensity, it is “medium plus”, a decidedly complex wine. The primary fruit is clear, with the first beginnings of secondary fruit, which comes from the yeast storage. The yeast and barrel notes show up nicely present in the overall complexity. Acidity, alcohol, body and flavour intensity are medium plus. The wine is still young, of course, but still has enormous ageing potential.
The nice thing is: the Sauvignon Blanc has a very long finish. A sign of quality. A main aroma in the wine, especially at the beginning, is physalis, finesse-rich and elegant. The wine gains insanely in complexity and melting with time, it seems riper and rounder with air and time. It is a very beautiful example of Sauvignon Blanc, which does not deny its origin, remains true to it but has nevertheless enjoyed a worldly education. In style, this is also close to the Loire for me. A very good wine, flawless and crystal clear. It definitely has the necessary substance to stand up to the great Sauvignon Blancs of this world.
The third act: stable enjoyment
The next day, the wine has continued to develop and it is still stable. It drinks well. In terms of fruit, the fennel aroma has come to the fore a little, but there remains this coolness, this balance and this crispness. There is not only substance, but also lingering. The wine has a really nice “grip”, it has profile. It is really great, great even. Like its terroir, the steep and proud Kreuzberg in southern Styria.
My drinking tip:
It is best to take a Burgundy glass for this drop. The balloon-shaped goblet gives the wine more air and allows its aromas to fully develop. As a result, a little more peach aromas come out and it also retains this stoniness, the flint and pebble notes on the palate.